Do you need a merit badge?? Are you looking for a merit badge counselor to sign off on your badge?? Check out our list of counselors!!
: Sports, Personal Fitness, Fire Safety, Auto Mechanics, AviationBill
: Camping, Family Life, Safety, Lifesaving, Communications, Electronics, Environmental ScienceDick
: Basketry, First Aid, Emergency Preparedness, Personal Management, Canoeing, Wilderness Survival, FishingJames
: Metal Work, Rifle Shooting, GeologyDerek
: Archery, Radio, Salesmanship, Space Exploration, Rowing, Public SpeakingSteve:
Swimming, Citizenship in the Community & Nation & World, Cycling, Music, ComputersSue:
Leatherwork, Reading, Public Health, MeteorologyKevin:
Pottery, Indian Lore, Orienteering, Backpacking,American Heritage, Cooking
Mr. Riead:
Shotgun & Rifle ShootingOfficer Riddle
: FingerprintingFeel free to e-mail us for more information about our merit badge counselors!!